home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object SettingsForm: TSettingsForm
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- Caption = '/'
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- object Label18: TLabel
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- object LabelServer: TLabel
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- Caption = 'Server'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelDesc: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 48
- Width = 53
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Description'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelHTTPPath: TLabel
- Left = 24
- Top = 228
- Width = 54
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'HTTP Path'
- Layout = tlCenter
- Visible = False
- end
- object LabelEMail: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 140
- Width = 69
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'E-Mail address'
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object CDDBImage: TImage
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- Hint = 'http://www.cddb.com'
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- OnClick = CDDBImageClick
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 26
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- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Automatic Internet query for unknown discs'
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- OnClick = Label2Click
- end
- object Server: TComboBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 22
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- OnClick = ServerClick
- Items.Strings = (
- '')
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- Left = 8
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- end
- object HTTPPath: TEdit
- Left = 24
- Top = 222
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- Height = 21
- TabOrder = 3
- Visible = False
- OnChange = HTTPPathChange
- end
- object Proxy: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 95
- Width = 121
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Proxy server'
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = ProxyClick
- end
- object ProxyServer: TEdit
- Left = 8
- Top = 114
- Width = 201
- Height = 21
- TabOrder = 5
- OnChange = ProxyServerChange
- end
- object EMail: TEdit
- Left = 8
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- Width = 201
- Height = 21
- TabOrder = 6
- OnChange = EMailChange
- end
- object AutoQuery: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
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- Height = 14
- TabOrder = 7
- OnClick = AutoQueryClick
- end
- object List: TBitBtn
- Left = 220
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- Caption = 'Refresh'
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- object LabelChars: TLabel
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- Caption =
- 'Characters /:*?"<>| are reserved by O/S and can'#39't be used in fil' +
- 'enames. Redefine reserved characters to legal character strings.'
- WordWrap = True
- end
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- Left = 8
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- object Label13: TLabel
- Left = 88
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- Caption = '?'
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- Width = 8
- Height = 13
- Caption = '<'
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- Caption = '"'
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- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 26
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- Caption = 'Convert space characters to'
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- end
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- Left = 26
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- Left = 216
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- Caption = '&Browse'
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- Left = 8
- Top = 22
- Width = 305
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Run Easy CD-DA Extractor at higher priority'
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = HigherPriorityClick
- end
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- Left = 24
- Top = 158
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- Height = 17
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- MaxLength = 5
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- Left = 24
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- Left = 104
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- Left = 184
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- MaxLength = 5
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- Left = 184
- Top = 180
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- MaxLength = 5
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- end
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- Left = 168
- Top = 202
- Width = 41
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- AutoSize = False
- MaxLength = 5
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- end
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- Left = 264
- Top = 158
- Width = 41
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- MaxLength = 5
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- Left = 264
- Top = 180
- Width = 41
- Height = 17
- AutoSize = False
- MaxLength = 5
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- end
- object ConvertSpace: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 202
- Width = 17
- Height = 17
- TabOrder = 12
- OnClick = ConvertSpaceClick
- end
- object Lowercase: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 220
- Width = 313
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Convert filename to lower case'
- TabOrder = 14
- OnClick = LowercaseClick
- end
- object PlaySoundAtTheEnd: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 39
- Width = 305
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Play a sound at the end of extraction process'
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = PlaySoundAtTheEndClick
- end
- object CDText: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 5
- Width = 305
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Automatically read CD-TEXT information'
- TabOrder = 15
- OnClick = HigherPriorityClick
- end
- object UseCheckboxes: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 85
- Width = 305
- Height = 17
- Caption = 'Use checkboxes in the track list window'
- TabOrder = 16
- OnClick = UseCheckboxesClick
- end
- end
- object DeviceTab: TTabSheet
- Caption = 'DAE Settings'
- object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
- Left = 4
- Top = 8
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- ParentFont = False
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- object LabelSectors: TLabel
- Left = 8
- Top = 27
- Width = 78
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Sectors per read'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelSectors3: TLabel
- Left = 216
- Top = 68
- Width = 40
- Height = 19
- Caption = '[sectors]'
- Constraints.MaxHeight = 19
- Constraints.MinHeight = 19
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
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- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object TrackOffsetEnd: TLabel
- Left = 26
- Top = 93
- Width = 78
- Height = 19
- Caption = 'Track offset end'
- Constraints.MaxHeight = 19
- Constraints.MinHeight = 19
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object LabelSectors2: TLabel
- Left = 216
- Top = 93
- Width = 40
- Height = 19
- Caption = '[sectors]'
- Constraints.MaxHeight = 19
- Constraints.MinHeight = 19
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- Layout = tlCenter
- end
- object Sectors: TEdit
- Left = 160
- Top = 24
- Width = 33
- Height = 19
- AutoSize = False
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- Text = '0'
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- OnExit = SectorsExit
- OnKeyDown = SectorsKeyDown
- end
- object UDSectors: TUpDown
- Left = 193
- Top = 24
- Width = 15
- Height = 19
- Associate = Sectors
- Min = 0
- Position = 0
- TabOrder = 1
- Wrap = False
- OnClick = UDSectorsClick
- end
- object UDStart: TUpDown
- Left = 193
- Top = 68
- Width = 15
- Height = 19
- Associate = StartOffset
- Min = 0
- Position = 0
- TabOrder = 2
- Wrap = False
- OnClick = UDStartClick
- end
- object StartOffset: TEdit
- Left = 160
- Top = 68
- Width = 33
- Height = 19
- AutoSize = False
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
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- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 3
- Text = '0'
- OnChange = StartOffsetChange
- OnExit = StartOffsetExit
- OnKeyDown = StartOffsetKeyDown
- end
- object SectorSync: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 49
- Width = 297
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Audio resync'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = SectorSyncClick
- end
- object TrackOffset: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 68
- Width = 145
- Height = 19
- Caption = 'Track offset start'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 5
- OnClick = TrackOffsetClick
- end
- object EndOffset: TEdit
- Left = 160
- Top = 93
- Width = 33
- Height = 19
- AutoSize = False
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
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- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 6
- Text = '0'
- OnChange = EndOffsetChange
- OnExit = EndOffsetExit
- OnKeyDown = EndOffsetKeyDown
- end
- object UDEnd: TUpDown
- Left = 193
- Top = 93
- Width = 15
- Height = 19
- Associate = EndOffset
- Min = 0
- Position = 0
- TabOrder = 7
- Wrap = False
- OnClick = UDEndClick
- end
- object Skip: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 117
- Width = 297
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Skip defected sectors'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 8
- OnClick = SkipClick
- end
- object Swap: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 136
- Width = 297
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Swap left and right channel'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 9
- OnClick = SwapClick
- end
- object DisableOverflow: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 155
- Width = 297
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Disable '#39'Buffer Overflow'#39' - checking'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 10
- OnClick = DisableOverflowClick
- end
- object Reverse: TCheckBox
- Left = 8
- Top = 174
- Width = 297
- Height = 13
- Caption = 'Swap byte order'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 11
- OnClick = ReverseClick
- end
- end
- object DefaultSectors: TButton
- Left = 226
- Top = 214
- Width = 89
- Height = 23
- Caption = 'Set default'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = DefaultSectorsClick
- end
- end
- end
- object OK: TBitBtn
- Left = 60
- Top = 288
- Width = 88
- Height = 25
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = OKClick
- Kind = bkOK
- end
- object Cancel: TBitBtn
- Left = 154
- Top = 288
- Width = 88
- Height = 25
- TabOrder = 2
- Kind = bkCancel
- end
- object Apply: TBitBtn
- Left = 248
- Top = 288
- Width = 88
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'Apply'
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = ApplyClick
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- 33333A2224A2233333333338F338F83300003333333333A2224A333333333333
- 8F338F33000033333333333A222433333333333338F338F30000333333333333
- A224333333333333338F38F300003333333333333A223333333333333338F8F3
- 000033333333333333A3333333333333333383330000}
- NumGlyphs = 2
- end
- object OpenWaves: TOpenDialog
- DefaultExt = 'wav'
- FileName = '*.wav'
- Filter = 'Wave sound (*.wav)|*.wav'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
- Title = 'Open a Wave file'
- Left = 116
- Top = 240
- end
- end